December 2014

Gagemaker-MRP-gage-block-gage-tipanimationThe best practice for setting an MRP® crest diameter gage is using a MIC TRAC™ or a dedicated rod standard.* In a pinch however, gage blocks or an OD micrometer can work.

For box threads, the “A” dimension (distance over the shoes) can be set using an OD micrometer preset to the proper dimension*.

For the “A” dimension on a pin (distance between shoes) or the “B” dimension (distance between wear pad and shoe) on either pin or box, gage blocks can be used. Simply, build the appropriate gage block stack-up to the correct dimension. Then, position it between the shoe and wear pad or between the shoes accordingly.

*MRP® setting dimensions for all API Tubing, Casing, and Line Pipe threads are in the TDWIN Taper™ software.