Gage Tip of the Month

July 2016

Achieve fast repeatability and reproduceability between operators by utilizing t wo TF-1F and two TF-SV MIC TRAC™ fixtures for setting ball mics and certain indicator style gages. Set the MIC TRAC to the desired setting distance and adjust the gage accordingly. Properly install a TF-SV on each TF-1F. Then, set the gage’s contact points into […]

Gage Tip of the Month

June 2016

An easy adjustment of your rails during assembly of an MRP-2001 will help you see the indicator better when inspecting external crest diameter, pitch diameter, or ovality. During setup, you simply position the rails so that any excess rail over-hang exists on the “fixed end”(the end not holding the indicator). Below you’ll find video instructions […]