Gage Tip of the Month

December 2016

While a certified Gagemaker setting standard is the preferred practice for Straight Threads, in a pinch,  you can use gage blocks to set a two-point Gagemaker lead gage without a proper standard. Create a gage block stack-up for the necessary interval then place between the points. Hold the face of the stackup against the fixed […]


August 2016 Gage Report

Come See the MIC 360 in Action! The MIC 360™ In-Process Diameter Measurement Gage is an in-process gaging system that measures any large diameter from 8″ to virtually any diameter you can manufacture! It doesn’t require a standard… one person can easily operate…measurements are captured electronically…it repeats with extremely high accuracy…and this is all done with […]

Gage Tip of the Month

July 2016

Achieve fast repeatability and reproduceability between operators by utilizing t wo TF-1F and two TF-SV MIC TRAC™ fixtures for setting ball mics and certain indicator style gages. Set the MIC TRAC to the desired setting distance and adjust the gage accordingly. Properly install a TF-SV on each TF-1F. Then, set the gage’s contact points into […]

Thread Software Quote

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Gage Setting and Part Measurement Systems – MIC TRAC 3000

Employing a versatile bench mounted length measuring system allows you to measure parts, calibrate hand held gages, and preset indicator style gages.  The Gagemaker Shop Floor MIC TRAC™ Gage Setting and Part Measurement System (MT-3000 Series) sets or zeros most gages with the standard resolution of .00005″, accuracies ranging from ±.0001″ to ±.0004″ (traceable to […]